Become a Caritas Conscious Dying Coach
Join Dr. Jean Watson, PHD: Founder & President of the Watson Caring Science Institute and Tarron Estes: Founder & Director of the Conscious Dying Institute in a 3 Month, End-of-Life Fulfillment and Transformational Journey
The Caritas Conscious Dying Coaching Certificate program begins with a 3-day, on-site workshop occurring April 25-27, 2019. The on-site training supports students via transformational, experiential practices that strengthen authentic presence and loving kindness, restores innate healing gifts and talents, renews purpose, and restores the art of caregiving to a spiritual path. This training and the interactive life changing activities provided by Dr. Watson and Tarron Estes increase one’s capacity to be emotionally and spiritually supportive during this vulnerable and, sometimes turbulent, period of life. The certificate course gives students the confidence they need to befriend death and to inquire about, and deeply connect with, what people want most during critical illness and death.
Over the 3 months following the on-site training event, students take part in a virtual practicum called “Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Coaching and Care”. They work with student partners and community individuals to learn how to identify, understand, and implement end-of life-priorities in 5 domains of life. In this way, participants learn about what matters most to themselves, as well as to patients and their families, within the context of a “3 months to live” timeline. They engage with readings, resources, and reflective activities from the field of Caring Science as Sacred Science and Conscious Dying Healing Care.
Investment: $1595.00
Our transformatoinal program expands the students’ capacity to offer care and healing within the Sacred Circle of Life. By entering this life-enriching, end-of-life coaching certificate program in Caring Science Conscious Dying, students engage in a new praxis of holistic end-of-life education.
Together we can restore death to its sacred place in the beauty, mystery, and celebration of life, thus joining a culture of Caritas Conscious Dying Coaches whose caring, healing presence and inner transformation awaken human consciousness.
The course is open to all clinical professionals, family caregivers, graduates of CCEP, WCSI affiliates, and the public at large. It is appropriate for anyone wishing to increase love, care, healing, and life fulfillment before, during, nearing, and after death.
It is a program for anyone wishing to educate the public and serve families and patients during this powerful healing portal surrounding death.
This unique program prepares you to: Create Sacred Passages for Families, Patients, & Communities
Create a New Praxis of Wisdom-Based Caritas Conscious Dying Coaches and Educators who increase care and healing moments for patients and families and bring End-of-Life Education to systems and the public.
Utilize Caring Science as Sacred Science & Conscious Dying Healing Care Principles and Practices
Restore Death to its Scared Place in the Beauty, Mystery & Celebration of Life
Awaken Human Consciousness
Support families emotionally, spiritually, physically, psychologically, and after death
Implement "Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Coaching and Care Planning" in 5 Domains of Life
Implement the 10 Caritas Processes and 10 Conscious Dying Principles
Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Coaching and Care Planning Virtual Practicum
The "Best Three Months" is one of the most powerful end-of-life care and planning processes available. It goes beyond advance directives and beyond what we don't want during our dying time; it focuses on how we live our lives before, during, and after death. Students learn the 5 Domains of Life: Individual & Family Coaching model and group facilitation practices which focuses on identifying and implementing our most important life priorities within a 3 month-to-life timeframe.
By going through the "Best Three Months" practicum, students establish a strong foundation to foster integration of the 10 Caritas Processes from Dr. Watson and 10 Conscious Dying Principles from Tarron Estes. It gives students an opportunity to synthesize all they have learned in this course so that as graduates, they can increase the number of people who receive the end-of-life care that they want and need, no matter the setting.
Our Caritas Conscious Dying Coaches learn the "Best Three Months" coaching model in preparation to listen deeply and implement the things people hold most precious in their hearts and minds.
This is a life-changing exploration for anyone wishing to live fully NOW!
Program Cost: $1595.00 for 3-day, on-site training & Virtual "Best Three Months: Conscious Dying Coaching and Care" practicum.
For more information click here or contact us at 303-440-8018 or