Become a Conscious Dying Educator
Join Tarron Estes: Founder & Director of the Conscious Dying Institute in a 3 Month, End-of-Life Fulfillment and Transformational Journey
The Conscious Dying Institute’s Conscious Dying Educator (CDE) Certificate program is a deep dive into the B3M (Best 3 Months) process as a coaching and facilitation model. CDE graduates become expert coaches and master teachers of this process, working with it primarily in groups. The program is a 10-week, online, faculty-guided course, consisting of 10 weekly video conferences, augmented with reading and writing assignments, and requiring program internship during the final 6 weeks of the course.
This program is perfect for CDI doula graduates who:
Have a passion for teaching and have intact communities where they are inspired to bring this work.
Are facile in engaging groups of people.
Love to teach and want to learn to teach really well.
Feel called to increase “end of life” conversations within their communities, whatever they may be: churches, parent groups, healthcare systems, organizations of all types, teachers at your kid’s school, co-workers, neighbors, to name a few.
Enjoy or want more experience in online learning platforms and onsite group facilitations.
Participants are invited to attend CDI onsite programs, any program, any time, free of charge. This is encouraged but not required. The CDE certificate program has a minimum of 8 enrollees; enrollment is limited to 12.
The program and its structure serves to accomplish our mission and increase the number of people identifying and receiving the care they want at end of life. Our mission:
Create Wisdom-Based Caring Healing Culture of Sacred Passage Guides who Restore death to its scared place in the beauty mystery & celebration of life and contribute to the Evolution of Human Consciousness
All program participants must satisfy the following requirements to be eligible to participate in the CDE certificate program.
Completion of our End of Life Doula Certificate program.
Ability to assemble a local group of 10-15 individuals committed to participating in a 6-week course entitled: B3M End of Life Fulfillment Care and Planning: A Life Changing Journey and Exploration Beyond Advanced Directives. This is the “internship project” for the CDE certificate program.
Commitment to review and understand course requirements before committing to course.
Access to a computer and technical fluency sufficient to satisfy course requirements.
Prior to and during the program, participants will:
Receive and read online materials.
Complete a self-introduction video and upload video onto Vimeo before class starts (so we can meet each other before first call).
Complete assignments (may include accessing materials from Google drive, viewing student videos, accessing resources online).
Participate in weekly video conferences (we use ZOOM as our video conference platform); participation must be visual, no phone only, voice only participation. All ten ZOOM sessions will be recorded (one for each week in our 10 week course); 8 sessions must be attended in person (in order to earn your certificate); for missed sessions participants are expected to watch the recorded call for their missing week(s).
Complete an internship project.
Over the three months following the on-site training event, students take part in a virtual practicum called “Best Three Months: End-of-Life Coaching and Care”. They work with student partners and community individuals to learn how to identify, understand, and implement end-of life-priorities in 5 domains of life. In this way, participants learn about what matters most to themselves, as well as to patients and their families, within the context of a “3 months to live” timeline. They engage with readings, resources, and reflective activities from the field of Caring Science as Sacred Science and Conscious Dying Healing Care.
Learning Structure:
The underlying transformational experiential learning structure exposes teachers in training to multiple learning strategies within the Conscious Dying Educational Learning Curriculum. Through repeated exposure to a variety of learning activities, practices and student learning styles, future teachers become profoundly intimate with the concepts, theory, comforting care modalities; facilitation and teaching styles; content, agendas, and program structure.
Teaching Methodology:
This course has been designed using the principles of adult learning. PowerPoint images will be used to augment the speaker’s presentation and a supportive syllabus includes information for referencing after the course. Attendees will have an active role in discussion as well as opportunity to ask questions and share experiences.
Conscious Dying Education Sacred Values, Philosophy, and Principles
During the End-of Life-Doula Certificate program participants form a relationship with these values and principles. In the CDE program, participants learn to teach in a group facilitation environment. This includes developing a deep grasp of communication practices, which leads to a capacity to teach and discuss any of these curriculum elements.
The curriculum covers the B3M coaching model in depth. Participants build in their existing skills with refinement to mastery level on becoming, both, a B3M coach and facilitator.
As a coach – model the practices of coaching, how to move from reflection questions to vision to current reality to action steps; done via demonstration and instruction the coaching model framework in classroom setting (working with individuals)
As a facilitator – learn the B3M facilitation model; using materials developed by CDI, 7-week agenda, using check in model, grounding practice, following recipe on leading group in process; learn to follow the curriculum to execute (working with groups)
Free 6-week onsite program: B3M End of Life Fulfillment Care and Planning: A Life Changing Journey and Exploration Beyond Advanced Directives.
Minimum of 10 enrollees, maximum of 15.
Course begins in week 5 of the CDE program, so that the internship course is nested within the 10-week CDE program. This gives participants a minimum of 4 weeks to recruit students and build their group. However, we recommend CDEs sign up as soon as possible in order to have more time to build their group using CDI-provided materials.
In support of the internship course, CDI-provided materials include: flyer, group invitations, CDI overview slideshow, agenda for all weeks, resources on community based end of life education, curriculum support and delivery documents.
Use of a projector and slide presentations is REQUIRED. The internship project requires participants to acquire and use visual presentation resources provided by CDI.
Venue for course must be coordinated as well.
In addition to the above requirements, participants may be invited to work with other programs during the interval of the 10-week course or after. Examples might include: mentoring online course participants, mentoring CDI End of Life doulas-in-training, mentoring participants in the Caring Science Conscious Dying programs, supporting students in the B3M process across any CDI program.
Learn group facilitation of the B3M Coaching Model for communities and organizations
Learn how to give Conscious Dying Education Presentations in your community.
Opportunity to practice group facilitation skills by supporting the Coaching Students in communication practices and experiential exercises.
For CDE Community Presentation you will be completely equipped with all the materials needed to present in communities
Flyers, invitations, welcome letters, scripts, powerpoint presentations
Full faculty mentoring and support to conduct presentations in their communities to educate role and value of doulas and end-of-life care planning.
You will complete a group facilitation practicum leading 10-15 people to complete their vision maps - as a group, not individually.
You will also have faculty supported breakout sessions to further practice and develop your presentation and facilitation skills with an emphasis on CDI materials in the onsite portion of the training.
Personally meet Dr. Jean Watson on Day 1 of the training as she will be present with us
Deepening your capacity to use the B3M Coaching Model which is essential in being an educator and coach
CDE training is the prerequisite for being considered for CDI faculty and support positions.
No refunds. If for any reason you need to cancel your participation in this program, we will happily reschedule for another program within 18 months.